We are on a mission to transform society through creating and communicating world class, Jesus-centred, relationships content delivered through any and every stream possible to reach London. 

Relationships Roundup

Join our monthly Relationships Roundup - a monthly dose of relationships content, life hacks, book recommendations, podcast updates and events.

Join the team!

Our vision is to help every Londoner invest in their most important relationships, whether thatā€™s a partner, a colleague, a child, or yourself. You can play your part in this vision by joining our team!

There are many ways you can serve, from hosting and welcome at our courses and events, being a Support Couple, to more administrative office-based roles.

Love Lessons Podcast šŸŽ™ļø

We are so excited to announce our all new Love Lessons Podcast. Each month weā€™ll be releasing a new episode, creating a space for you to invest in your relationships 20 minuets at a time.

Tune in to listen to:

Dr Gary Chapman on how to best express love, how to get better at apology, and how to show appreciation at work.

Lauren Windle on finding community in church through times of turmoil, how to encourage single people to thrive within the church, and how to get the most out of dating apps.

Rich Villodas on how to bring your true self into relationships, and how to be fully present with yourself, with God, and with others.

Jane Williams on the security of our relationship with God, the theology of singleness, and how to know love through understanding the love of God.

Listen here!


  • FREE! is a 10-week recovery course that provides a safe place to explore the slavery of life-controlling, addictive issues and allow them to be transformed by the hope and freedom of Jesus Christ.

    Learn more about Free! Recovery

  • This course is for women who have had abortion(s) and are Christians, and who wish to receive healing and restoration in this area of their lives.

    Learn more about the Post-Abortion Healing course

  • This course is for those who are separated, those who are currently going through a divorce, or those are already divorced, whether recently or at any time in the past.

    Learn more about the Restored Lives course

  • An eight-session weekly group course for sufferers of all types of eating disorder, and those who care for them. The course is non-threatening, educational, and encourages a self-help approach that really works.

    Learn more about Tastelife

  • Single & Free is a 4-week course designed for women who are navigating the spiritual, physical, emotional and practical dynamics of being single at present. The course is led by Dr Iman Riad.

    Find out more

  • Tackling Anxiety Together is an interactive in-person course over six sessions which explores topics such as ā€˜understanding anxietyā€™, ā€˜emotions and purposeā€™ and ā€˜battlefield of the mindā€™.

    Learn more here!

  • Working through grief takes time. This course is for any person who is bereaved, whether recently or dating back several years.

    Learn more about The Bereavement Journey

Love Lessons Conference 2025

You are invited to the Love Lessons Conference at HTB.

Take a day to invest in your most important relationships whether youā€™re single, dating, married or parenting. You can design your day with mainstage keynote talks and a series of tailored labs to choose from with our network of relationship experts. Bring your friend, bring your work colleague, bring your partner - weā€™ll bring caffeine, lunch and some thought-provoking content to help you thrive relationally.

Saturday 8th February 2025


HTB Brompton Road, SW7 1JA

Contact us.

If you have any questions about our courses & events, we would love to hear from you.