Waiting for Children
Waiting for Children is a course for couples facing fertility issues. We recognise that this can be a very lonely and confusing time. Through the course, we hope to offer encouragement and support, whilst acknowledging that each couple’s story is unique.
Course Dates
Wednesdays 7th May- 4th June
19:30 - 20:45
Duration: 5 weeks
Hosted by: Jo Roper, Ike Cooke, and Alexia Hewson.
Cost: Free
Location: Remotely, via an online platform
Email us if you have any questions
Dealing with loss and telling others
Fertility treatment
Living fruitfully
Impact on couples
The course will be hosted live over Microsoft Teams by Jo Roper and Ike Cooke who will introduce the session and interview a series of couples they have invited on their experience of fertility issues. Although all are welcome, we recommend that couples attend the course together as there will be time, during the sessions, when they will be encouraged to talk between themselves about certain issues. These issues will never be subject to group discussion and you will not need to share anything with anyone else. There will be opportunity to connect with others if desired.
Jo is an obstetric and gynaecology doctor who is married to Mark Roper, the leader of Fabric Church, Manchester (a plant of HTB). Jo’s parents had a long wait for children and this is part of the reason this issue has been laid on her heart. Although it has not been a personal issue she has faced, she has been alongside many of her close friends in the fertility journey and feels passionate about supporting and praying for people who are.
Alexia worked as a solicitor but is currently taking a career break. She lives in Surrey with her husband and two children. They attend Holy Trinity Church. After a long wait for her children, and as a previous attendee of this course during her own fertility treatment, she is passionate about this issue and this course reaching those going through a similar experience.
Ike is the founder of a technology startup and lives in Liverpool with her husband, Kieran and two children. Having previously attended the Waiting for Children course, Ike found support and encouragement on her personal journey and is passionate about supporting other couples who are waiting for children.
We will send you (prior to the course start date):
details of how to join the Microsoft Teams call online for each live session
a PDF copy of the course handbook
Your booking can be cancelled at any time, please contact us to do so.
If you have any questions prior to the course, please contact courses@htb.org.