HTB Kids
Raising a generation of world changers
We’re so glad you’re here.
At HTB Kids we want to equip families of their journey of faith, and have a lot of fun in the process!
Across our sites we have a team ready to welcome your child and help them have the best hour of their week.
From our action packed Sunday kids programme, to our Play Cafe for parents for little ones and family events, there is bound to be something for you and your family to enjoy. Find out more below!
At HTB Kids, we want to make church the best part of your child's week! You can join us at:
HTB Brompton Road at 9.30 am and 11.30 am
HTB Onslow Square at 10.30 am and 4.30 pm
HTB Courtfield Gardens at 10.30 am
HTB Dalgarno Way at 11 am
HTB Earl’s Court at 11 am
HTB Queen’s Gate at 10:30am (HTB Kids for under 5s)
When you arrive, head to the HTB Kids check-in desk to register your children. They will then go to their kids rooms for the whole of the service. In their HTB Kids groups we worship together, play games, read stories from the bible, be creative and so much more. We would love to have you join us!
The Four HTB Earl’s Court - Once a month we also run The Four, which is a monthly all-age service that promises to be fun for all the family! Come and join us for free kids activities, games, music, interactive Bible story and a delicious café. All are welcome.
Little Ones
‘A community of world changers aged 0-4 making friends and growing in their faith together with their parents and carers.’
‘We know how significant these early years are for Little Ones and those caring for them, so we’ve created a series of spaces to help you and your child navigate this unique season at HTB.’
Morning Alpha
Life is full of endless possibilities. Whether it’s learning a new skill, finding a new interest, or simply opening up to a different perspective on life. Trying something new can be the start of something good. Why not give Alpha a go?
Alpha jumps into various topics of Christianity and what faith looks like in different people’s lives. It’s a chance to ask questions and explore the Christian faith in a fun, no-pressure environment.
Alpha takes place across ten sessions every Wednesday with one Alpha Saturday (mid-course) which is full of interesting talks, fun activities and good food!
Our morning Alpha courses have a free childcare option for you! We’d love to see you.
Our next Alpha course runs every Wednesday starting 2nd October - 4 December 2024
10am – 11:45am in person at HTB Brompton Road
Play Café
The Play Café is a space for parents/grandparents/carers and children (aged 0 to 4) to have fun and make friends. There is soft play and song time for the little ones and coffee and cake for the adults.
We meet every week across 3 different sites during term time:
Wednesday at St Luke's Earls Court from 10-11:30am
Thursday at Onslow Square from 10-11:30am
Thursday at St Francis Dalgarno Way from 10-11:30am
Got questions about Play Cafe? Email kids@htb.org and we would love to help you!
We realise we need one another, and in a church this size whilst juggling the early years, it’s easy to feel unseen. But in a Parents of Little Ones Connect Group, you can make meaningful friendships and stand by others through the good and the bad.
Brompton Road Family Connect Group
Fortnightly Sundays from 1.30-4pm after the 11.30am service at HTB Brompton Road (Church House).
A family connect group that meet together to encourage each other in their relationships and to help their children grow in their faith.
Find Out More [rochshy@yahoo.com]
Fathers of Little Ones (Online)
Fortnightly Tuesday Evenings from 8.30-9.30pm online.
A connect group for fathers of little ones, to come together and support one another, in our Fatherhood journeys.
Find Out More [stevechew@me.com]
HTB OS Family Friendly Connect Group
Fortnightly Sundays after the 10.30am service at Onslow Square (Paul's Place).
A family friendly connect group open to everyone.
Find Out More [mojtaba.hosseini@htb.org]
HTB BR Family Connect Group (Online)
7.45-9pm every Thursday online via Zoom (during term time).
A family focused online group that meets during term time for friendship, discipleship and prayer.
Find Out More [relationships@htb.org]
South Kensington Mum’s Group (Monday)
9.30-11.30am on Monday mornings.
A group for mums with children 5yrs and under to pray and support each other.
Find Out More [stevechew@me.com]
South Kensington Mum’s Group (Friday)
9.40-11.15am every Friday at Onslow Square (Paul's Place)
A group for mums with little ones to enjoy community together and to support each other.
Find Out More [Relationships@htb.org]
We offer a wide range of resources to support parents and carers in raising their Little Ones.
If you’re expecting a Little One and would like to connect with others, we'd love to hear from you!
Email relationships@htb.org
A series of six sessions designed to help parents, carers, and parents-to-be to strengthen their family relationships by providing them with practical teaching and support.
You are invited to the Love Lessons Conference at HTB.
Take a day to invest in your most important relationships whether you’re single, dating, married or parenting. You can design your day with mainstage keynote talks and a series of tailored labs to choose from with our network of relationship experts. Bring your friend, bring your work colleague, bring your partner - we’ll bring caffeine, lunch and some thought-provoking content to help you thrive relationally.
Saturday 8th February 2025, 9:30-17:00, HTB Brompton Road, SW7 1JA
We are so excited to announce our all new Love Lessons Podcast🎙️. Each month we’ll be releasing a new episode, creating a space for you to invest in your relationships 20 minuets at a time.
We’re developing a network of parents who have been there and done that and now have older children. If you’d like to be connected with a mentor parent, you can register your interest by e-mailing relationships@htb.org
The Four
A monthly all-age service at HTB Earls Court
Looking for the perfect Sunday afternoon activity for you and your kids?
You are invited to join us for The Four, which is a monthly all-age service that promises to be fun for all the family!
Come and join us for free kids activities, games, music, interactive Bible story and a delicious café. All are welcome.
Join us on the second Sunday of every month.
Interactive bible stories
Delicious cafe
Games 〰️ Music 〰️ Interactive bible stories 〰️ Delicious cafe 〰️
The Play Cafe
The Play Café is a space for parents/grandparents/carers and children (aged 0 to 4) to have fun and make friends. There is soft play and song time for the little ones and coffee and cake for the adults.
We meet every week across 3 different sites during term time:
Wednesday at St Luke's Earls Court from 10-11:30am
Thursday at Onslow Square from 10-11:30am (temporarily relocated from Brompton Road for Spring term)
Thursday at St Francis Dalgarno Way from 10-11:30am
Got questions about Play Cafe? Email kids@htb.org and we would love to help you!
After School Club
We also run an After School Club at HTB Dalgarno Way every Tuesday from 3:30-5pm during termtime. If you are based in the Dalgarno Way estate, come along for fun activities, games and a hot meal.
Join the dream team!
Join the dream team for a Sunday morning packed with games, craft, fun and spirit-filled bible teaching. It's a great place to find community in London and play your part in raising a generation of world changers!
We believe all kids are created in God's image to be valued equally. We want to provide an environment where every child can encounter Jesus and explore faith, whatever their needs.
Email us if you need more information or are planning to visit on a Sunday. We’d love to meet you and your kids, and make sure they get the best support.
Church is the family of God and we’re passionate that families of all shapes and sizes can find a home at HTB. We have links to the charity Home for Good which offers resources and nurturing relationships to families that have been formed through fostering and adoption.
So, if you are fostering children or are an adoptive family, we’d love to get to know you and hear how we might be able to help you to be part of the HTB community. Our Home for Good champion, Nadine Sonday, can be contacted via email at nadine.sonday@htb.org.