Transforming society through work

God has placed us in our work with a purpose. Many of us spend a third of our waking hours at work and we believe God wants to be intimately involved in this work with us and through us.

Throughout history, Christians have brought about remarkable social reforms and changes in the way business was conducted. Through HTB’s WorkPlaced, we are on a journey to explore how to live out and fulfil God's purpose in our daily work, including connecting with others and praying for each other. Our vision is that we might discover new, bold and imaginative ways of collaborating - so that our work can make a greater difference to people's lives, to our city and across God's world. We'd love you to get involved.

Central Gatherings

Starting with drinks and light snacks, and a chance to meet each other, we will be gathering at HTB Brompton Road 6.45-8:00pm around once a month for a talk, to hear from an exciting panel, discussion and prayer.

Upcoming dates:

Sunday 23rd February 6.45pm

Thursday 10th April 6.45pm

Sector Gatherings

Once a term, we seek to gather people working in each sector to encourage and pray for one another and explore how to fulfil God's purpose in our daily work to make a greater difference in people’s lives. The gatherings last around an hour and usually take place at HTB Brompton Road.

Upcoming dates:​​​

Sunday 9th March 2:00pm - Sector Gathering: Healthcare

Sunday 23rd March 6:30pm - Sector Gathering: Advertising, PR & Comms

Sunday 30th March 6:30pm - Sector Gathering: Tech

Sunday 6th April 2:00pm - Real Estate & Property

Sunday 13th April 2:00pm - Stage, Screen & Broadcasting

The Workplaced Course

If you’re already involved with Workplaced and looking to dive deeper, the Workplaced course is a weekend of sessions designed to foster collaboration, build relationships and equip and empower you to see your faith at work.


The course will run on a single weekend and involve an overnight stay. We will combine teaching content/input, facilitated interactive training exercises, small group work and projects.


Dates: TBC


We’ll be open to new applicants for the upcoming course soon, so keep an eye out and sign up for updates to be notified when this happens.

Advertising, PR, Comms & Events










Government & Civil Service




Professional Services




Stage, Screen & Broadcasting




Advertising, PR, Comms & Events 〰️ Charity 〰️ Education 〰️ Entrepreneurs 〰️ Finance 〰️ Government & Civil Service 〰️ Healthcare 〰️ Professional Services 〰️ Property 〰️ Stage, Screen & Broadcasting 〰️ Tech 〰️

‘Great opportunity to share how we can mix faith and work’

‘Incredibly thought provoking and great to get together with other Christian professionals’

“Sunday was incredibly profound and encouraging.  It was the first time I have heard a member of clergy saying, ‘Thank you for what you do. We want to hear from you about what we can do to get behind and support what you are doing”

– Louise, member of HTB