Thank you so much for your generosity and playing a part in the vision of HTB through giving financially.
Giving at HTB
See how our giving makes a difference!
Questions? scroll down to see the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
Giving FAQs
As Christians, giving is our response to God’s amazing grace and the indescribable gift of his son to us. Generous giving blesses others and supplies the needs of God’s people, it is also an act of obedience and trust – in doing it we are saying that it is God, not ourselves or anyone else, who ultimately provides for our needs. Giving should never be forced or grudging, but rather voluntary and cheerful. ‘Let each one give as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves a giver whose heart is in his giving.’ (2 Corinthians 9:7).
Giving financially is just one way of expressing generosity. If you’re struggling financially or in debt, we encourage you to express generosity in a non-financial way by serving on a team, praying for the Church, or being generous with your time towards others.
We are grateful for each gift no matter what the amount or how the gift is made, however if you’re part of HTB, and in a position to give financially, we would love for you to consider setting up a regular, monthly gift. Regular giving is crucial for us as it enables us to plan impactful, long-term projects and reach as many people as possible with the love of Jesus. Right now, you can give regularly by direct debit by clicking here, or alternatively by setting up a standing order with your bank (details below) or set up a recurring card gift below.
You can set up a monthly direct debit here. Alternatively you can set up a regular gift by standing order or by using credit or debit card.
The best way to set up a standing order is through online banking or by contacting your bank, using HTB’s bank details. Our account details are:
Holy Trinity Brompton St Pauls
Account Number: 84636866
Sort Code: 60-04-04Quote your first name and surname as the reference.
Note: Once you’ve set up a standing order or recurring gift, email the team at giving@htb.org to let us know. This allows us to identify your gift, create an annual statement for you, and thank you.
You can make a one-off card gift by clicking the ‘Give now’ button above.
Yes. Our account details are:
Holy Trinity Brompton St Pauls
Account Number: 84636866
Sort Code: 60-04-04Quote your first name and surname as the reference.
Note: Once you’ve set up a standing order or recurring gift, email the team at giving@htb.org to let us know. This allows us to identify your gift, create an annual statement for you, and thank you.
Gift Aid allows UK charities to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on donations – by the donor – from HMRC. If you are a UK taxpayer, and have paid or will pay sufficient income or capital gains tax, Gift Aid increases the value of your donations by 25%, so it means that your gift goes even further – and won’t cost you extra. To complete a Gift Aid declaration, use the form above. Around 1/10th of our budget each year is funded through Gift Aid.
Please note that Gift Aid declarations are valid for six years once you fill one in. If you give regularly and you’ve stopped paying tax, or you don’t want us to claim Gift Aid on a particular gift you’ve made because you haven’t paid tax on it, please let us know.
Everything we do together as a church is only possible because of your giving. With your support, we can run our Sunday services, offer practical help to people through our Love Your Neighbour food hub, Debt Counselling, our Caring for Prison Leavers programme, and the HTB Shelter, evangelism through Alpha, friendship and discipleship through our HTB Groups, support through our courses including The Marriage Course, and we can run ministries across all our sites including programmes for Youth, Kids and Students.
You can request a giving statement any time by emailing our team at giving@htb.org.
Yes. To give via cheque, please make the cheque out to ‘Holy Trinity Brompton’ and post it to:
The Giving Team
5-7 Cromwell Road
SW7 2HR -
Yes, you can give by text at any time,
To give £5 text HTBGIVE5 to 70085
To give £10 text HTBGIVE10 to 70085
To give £20 text HTBGIVE20 to 70085Please note that a maximum of £20 per text message applies. Standard message rates may apply. Please get the billpayer’s permission before giving by text.
Email: giving@htb.org
Phone: +44 (0)207 052 0200 and ask for the Giving Team -
Yes. Many of our congregation members like to leave a gift in their will for HTB, which has helped us to fund many exciting projects over the years. We’re now partnering with award-winning will provider, Farewill, to offer a free will-writing service. The service is available to everyone, and Farewill will give you the option to leave a gift for HTB, after you’ve provided for your loved ones.
Many people find they can do their will online in only 30 minutes. Try the online will-writing service here.
If you don’t feel confident writing a will online, you can make your will over the phone with one of Farewill's specialist. Make an appointment by clicking here. Alternatively, you can call Farewill on 020 8176 6720 and mention HTB to book in a telephone appointment.
Already have a will?
If you already have a will and would like to include HTB, all you have to do is contact your will provider with our formal name, address and charity number (see below):The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Holy Trinity with Saint Paul’s Onslow Square and St. Augustine’s South Kensington
Holy Trinity Brompton
Brompton Road
SW7 1JACharity number: 1133793
Additionally, if you are leaving a gift in your will to HTB and would like to speak to someone about it, please contact giving@htb.org
Many employers offer payroll giving or ‘give as you earn’ which allows you to give directly to HTB from your salary before tax is deducted. This means if you give £100 per month and are a basic rate taxpayer, the gift will only cost you £80 from your net pay. If you pay a higher rate of tax, £100 a month will only cost you £60 from your net pay. To find out if your employer offers Payroll Giving, contact your HR office.
Please note: if you use payroll giving, your gifts will not be eligible for gift aid, as you will not have paid tax on the amount.
You may wish to give to HTB via a charitable aid agency such as Stewardship, JustGiving, CAF, Charities Trust, or Charitable Giving. These agencies are useful for those who give to multiple charities and wish to have their giving recorded in one place or for those who wish to give anonymously to HTB. Some agencies such as CAF American Donor Fund also offer a more tax-efficient method of giving for US taxpayers.
Yes, you can set up a personalised JustGiving page linked to HTB by visiting justgiving.com/htb and clicking the 'Fundraise for us' button at the top. If you have an idea for a fundraiser or need help setting up your JustGiving page, please contact the Giving Team who would be happy to assist.
Many employers offer matched giving schemes. In most cases, the company will match your donation up to a specific amount; a handful of organisations will even double your gift. You can download a list of companies here that we understand currently match gifts donated by their employees. This list is not definitive and many more companies may also offer this option.
If your employer is not listed, please contact the Human Resources or Social Responsibility Office at your workplace to find out if they operate a matched giving scheme. Some employers may not match giving for religious purposes, though most will match gifts to our social transformation ministries such as the HTB Shelter. If you require advice on how to use matched giving, or need help allocating your giving for match giving purposes, please contact the Giving Team.
HTB takes precautions in our fundraising to ensure we protect our congregation, including people in vulnerable circumstances, from intrusive or persistent fundraising approaches. Our team take seriously any expression of dissatisfaction we receive regarding our fundraising practices and aim to resolve any complaints as quickly as possible.
Should you have concerns about a friend or family member in our congregation donating to HTB because of a physical or mental medical conditions (permanent or temporary), disability, learning difficulties, they are in a time of stress or anxiety (e.g. recent bereavement, redundancy), financial vulnerability (making a gift could leave them in financial hardship), English is not their first language, or you are concerned they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs: please contact our HTB Safeguarding Advisor, Andy Goodwin, to speak about your concerns.
Telephone: 07747 768257
Email: andy.goodwin@htb.org -
For any other questions, please contact the Giving Team.
Email: giving@htb.org
Phone: +44 (0)207 052 0200 and ask for the Giving Team