Your Direction

Your Direction is a five-session course that welcomes teenagers and young adults into small groups of people who are also navigating their parents’ separation or divorce. Together we explore all the challenges you typically face and show you some tools that might help.

We have consolidated the lived experiences from other young people as well as expertise from professional counsellors and parenting specialists to create a course that is stuffed with practical tips that will help you navigate your parents’ separation or divorce so you can move forward with your life.

The course takes place across 5 consecutive Wednesday evenings via an online platform.

Links to sign up for the online course:

12-18 years online course

18-30 years online course

Location: Remotely, via an online platform

  • In-person:

    Monday 8th April

    Monday 15th April

    Monday 22nd April

    Monday 29th April

    Monday 6th May


    Wednesday 28 February

    Wednesday 6 March

    Wednesday 13 March

    Wednesday 20 March

    Wednesday 27 March

    • Communication skills

    • Dealing with conflict

    • Processing difficult emotions

    • Healthy boundaries

    • Problem solving

  • Each session includes videos from young people who have successfully navigated difficult times at home including parents’ separating and key topics. In small groups, there’s an opportunity to discuss the talk. You can share as much or as little as you like about how your personal situation relates to the topic. Your Direction is a non-judgemental safe space where you can speak to others who have or are facing similar situations. We end each session with a personal story. You’ll hear from other young people explaining what happened to them when their parents split up and what helped them. When you sign up for the Your Direction workshop you’ll be sent a free copy of our ‘Travel Guide’ which includes an overview of what we will be covering as well as journal pages you can use to keep track of your progress.

  • “I feel empowered to live my own life and feel that my parent’s divorce is an event and not a defining feature of my life. I also feel equipped to set boundaries and express my feelings comfortably.”

    “The best thing about Your Direction was being able to share difficult situations and past experiences in a safe space with people who are willing to listen and not judge.”

    “I found this course very inviting and easy to jump into.”

    “I learned how to deal with issues and how to see the silver lining of a problem”

Click here for more information on how to register.