HTB Worship School
If you’re 18-27 years old, feel called to worship leading, and desire to grow in your love for Jesus, alongside a small group of students, then we’d love to invite to you join the HTB Worship School. Our hope for the year is that you will spend it growing in your in faith, worship leading, and becoming a passionate disciple of Jesus.
Starting September 2025
Key dates involve a Song Writing Camp, Worship Team Retreat, The Leadership Conference, and Focus.
Programme Overview
The HTB Worship School is a great opportunity to invest a year into learning and growing in your love for Jesus, and a year of being invested into. We will spend the year teaching you how to grow as a Christian, a worship leader, and as someone who feels called to serve in a full-time capacity within a local church.
Mondays you will spend the day diving into the bible and theology, alongside sessions on practical worship leading skills. Tuesday mornings you will spend with the HTB worship team and the afternoon we’ll spend in the HTB prayer room worshipping and leading times of prayer. Wednesdays are an opportunity to go deeper with your worship ministry (Students, Youth, St Mellitus College, and HTB Alpha). Here you will shadow a member of the HTB Worship team and grow in leading those ministries in worship. In the afternoon you will have an opportunity to meet with your mentor who we partner you with for the year. On Sundays you will be part of our church community which is growing in passion and love for Jesus.
This is a part-time leadership year from so that you can find a part-time job.
Weekly Programme
Biblical & Practical worship input
Pastoral check-in as a community
Morning: HTB Staff Meeting
Afternoon: HTB Worship Team Shadowing
All Day: Going deeper with your HTB ministry and mentors
Serving alongside the HTB Worship team across our Sunday services
If needed, we can help you arrange accommodation with members of the HTB congregation at an affordable cost.
The course fees cover tuition, books for required reading, retreats, and college events. We are sadly unable to offer financial support for accommodation or to cover living expenses.
Application Process
Please apply via the link. If you have any questions please email worshipschool@htb.org